Why do you need a website

Making good use of the Internet can be one of the biggest tools for growing your business; even for businesses that consider themselves as primarily offline. Despite the ever-increasing importance of an online presence for businesses of all sizes and descriptions, many businesses are not adjusting their strategy accordingly. Your performance can be enhanced greatly with your website and how you present your business to the world. Other reasons may include; 

1      Positive first-impression
Having a professionally developed website gives instant gratification and also results in a viewer making judgments about your company and the service it offers. An informative and user-friendly website can help build trust with your clients, generate confidence in your business and make you look bigger than you actually are. A good web designer knows how to implement a style that evokes the impression you intend for users to have of your business.

 Having a website makes you more discoverable
Getting your business discovered online goes beyond search engine results, and having a website with well thought-out key words, proper encoding, and appropriate classification, aids in having your business information indexed on GPS devices, social media, and other websites for users to access.

3      Instant changes to suit market
A website is easier, cheaper and quicker to update than print material. Its capacities are almost limitless, which allows you to provide users with more comprehensive information. This will save you money on printing and distribution costs. Just in a matter of seconds, you can get the new products or pricing out there and avoid the hustle and bustle of expensive TV and radio commercials.

4       Global audience market reach
You cannot be the small business you think of yourself again on the Internet. There is the potential to be seen by millions across the globe. Did you ever think your company would have the possibility of doing business around the world? Well, now you can. Without a doubt, the Internet is the most cost effective way to trade nationally and internationally. Having a website opens up your business to a global audience, which is especially important if you utilize your website as an e-store.

5      Your competitors are already online
In this age, not having a website for your business is not an option; your competitors are already online and interestingly, they are getting the customers that will help your business grow. You do not want to be left behind, do you?

6      24/7 customer service
A well-functioning website is a great move for customer priority service, allowing your customers to find FAQs online that they would otherwise have had to call in about. Informational requests by customers or prospective customers can be handled instantly and without outside influence. Your website can work for you while your business is closed, allowing customers to figure out vital information- pictures, brochures, software, videos, power point slides, music, etc  -  that they would otherwise have had to wait for till you were opened. With some attention to detail and a solid Search Engine Optimization (SEO) strategy, your website could become your most valued employee.

7       Recruitment tool
You can use your website for recruitment when you are looking for new employees. Most classified websites can do that, as well as recruitment websites, but it is best to direct traffic to your own website and have the information you need about new jobseekers directly without any extra cost.

8       You are being reviewed or discussed online
Surprised? Well, there is a likelihood that your business already has a web presence. With websites like Google, Facebook, Twitter and other websites that allow customer feedback, you can bet that someone has already reviewed you. It is an unfortunate truth, but a customer who has had a bad experience with your business is more likely to take to the Internet to write a review. Your image is at stake if that website is the first thing that comes up in a quick Google search for your company’s name. While having a web presence will not stop people from writing negative reviews about you, it does give you a voice that would have, otherwise, been lost.


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