5 online strategies to get millennials offline

Advertising budgeting for 2013 is underway, but let’s look at 2017. That’s is the year when Millennials – the generation now in their mid-teens to mid-30s – will have more spending power than any previous generation. While they’re known to be the generation of “ScreenAgers,” they’re elusive consumers thanks to a constant barrage of marketing and advertising messages. Because of their “always on, always connected” lifestyle, it’s easy for marketers to assume that they’re hearing your messaging.

There is no denying the popularity of texting and social media among these consumers. However, a recent survey of college students conducted by UQ Marketing found that some conversations — particularly those surrounding brand preferences — are still too important for texting. In some ways, Millennials are more old school than you’d think. The survey found 94.6 percent of respondents prefer to share opinions about products they love in person.
If you’re among the majority of brands planning to increase your online marketing budgets, here are five tips on how to use your online resources to drive in-person recommendations among Millennials on campus:

·        Embody a push vs pull model
Advertising is all about pushing information to your consumers. The problem is, Millennials aren’t listening. Besides the fact that the number of advertisements a typical Millennial is exposed to on a daily basis is upwards of 5,000 messages, they can see right through traditional methods, both offline and online. Re-evaluate the way you’re sharing your brand to your consumers in this age category. Drive your consumers to pull the information they want, and that’s when peer-to-peer interactions happen naturally.
Consider: Holiday advertising is just around the corner. Pushing online coupons and advertisements won’t resonate with Millennials quite like, say, an Instagram photo booth would. If your Millennial-aged consumer sends an ‘Instagrammed’ photo of themselves with their tablet of choice to Mom and Dad – with a coupon attached – it will be much more well-received, not to mention remembered.

·         Recognize when to market to the masses – when not to
A new product release or technology update can be valuable news to withhold. Millennials, like anyone else, love to be the first of their friends to discover something new. The differentiating factor of this generation however, is the tight-knit community that comes along with Millennials in a college campus setting. The power word of mouth marketing has on campus is astounding, especially when those consumers depend on their peers’ opinions before purchasing anything. Recognize the appropriate time to make news of a launch or promotion scarce in order to capitalize on the conversations held in person.
·         Reward advocates in front of their peers
Many Millenials go beyond ‘Liking’ and sharing posts – throw them a bone. Whether you publicly thank your biggest fans, send a branded gift their way, or deem them ‘fan of the week’ in front of all of their friends, rewarding your most vocal consumers online will spark the chatter among their peers. Last week, a loyal Jets fan tweeted toJetBlue executives asking for a ride home in the Jets plane. To his surprise, his wish was granted when the JetBlue twitter account tweeted back at him “Done! – Enjoy your flight on JetGreen!” Public recognition of devoted fan speaks volumes about your appreciation of customers, and gives your brand the “voice” it needs to start those in-person conversations among Millennials.

·         Get their buy in, and turn Millennials into decision makers
Treating your Millennial-aged consumers like decision makers drives peer-to-peer recommendations through your online communications. A seamless way to give your younger consumers a voice is to let them tell you what they want (and what they like), and to encourage them to gather feedback from their friends. Think about a fashion brand like ModCloth which relies on its online community to vote for their favorite pieces, which are then stocked on the site. When Millennials can see their interaction being recognized online, they’re much more likely to tell their roommate about their experience in person. This kind of online interaction, taken offline, is a win-win, creating evangelists for your brand.

·         Leave your consumers with a story worth sharing in person
Don’t just think about your online community as a place that stays online. Give your most vocal consumers a story that is worth sharing with their peers offline. Brands like           Airbnb and Getaround put an emphasis on the tightknit culture of their Facebook communities.
With Getaround’s online user interface, users meet through requesting and verifying car rentals. The stories worth sharing happen between consumers. Some car owners have come back to their vehicles post-rental, only to find flowers or cookies from the car renter. Find those opportunities to share stories with your users, and boast what is likely already happening right in front of you.
Offline and online integration is critical moving forward if brands want to leave a lasting impression with Millennials. Interjecting your message into real-world conversations via online efforts will drive those peer-to-peer recommendations. Don’t wait until 2017 to redefine the way your brand lives offline.

Credit: www.forbes.com


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