How to create a truly addictive content

It’s important to create content that provides value to your target audience. But how can you push it to the next level and make it truly addictive content? Remember, you only have eight seconds or less to grab your reader’s attention and hold it.
Social Media Today recently asked top influencers their secrets to creating addictive content. Here are a few of our favorite tips and how you can apply them to your own content marketing strategy.

Erika Heald, VP and Head of Content at Highwire PR, recommends that marketers “put together an editorial calendar, a quarter at a time, that provides a variety of content types that will keep you top-of-mind as a useful resource for your audience.” By creating an editorial calendar, you’ll be able to get a feel for the big picture. Start with goals and objectives, include major events and milestones, and build campaigns around the targets you’ve determined. You’ll also want to decide what content types you want to employ, including infographics, tip sheets, videos, and more. As Ian Cleary, founder of RazorSocial, suggests, “people get more engaged with video, imagery and interactive content than text so you need to have a mix.”

Neil Patel, co-founder of KISSmetrics, Crazy Egg and Quick Sprout, urges marketers to “research what all of your competitors are creating and one up them.” This is a very effective strategy and one Brian Dean of Backlinko explains in-depth in his Skyscraper Technique.
Basically, you want to use tools like Ahrefs to find content with “a track record of attracting quality links” and BuzzSumo to find “heavily shared content in your niche.” Both will give you a good idea of what’s effective, whom you’re competing with, and what you need to do in order to create an even better piece of content. The next step is to, as Neil advises, “make your content more detailed, more actionable, and wrap it up with a pretty design.”

Making sure your content is valuable was common advice from many influencers interviewed for Social Media Today’s infographic. Here are just a few who brought this point home:

·         Jeff Bullas: “Our top strategy…is to create 1,000+ word blog posts that add value to our readers and to become such a great resource that we get inbound links from other websites and blogs.”

·         Lee Odden: “Create highly relevant, useful, visual, informative and entertaining content that’s easily shareable and answers the kinds of questions people have relevant to your company, products or services.”

·         Susan Payton: “Make it really valuable and irresistible. What problems can you solve for your audience?”

·         Andrew Davis: “Good content is content that provides value to your audience.”

Your content’s journey doesn’t end after you hit publish. Remember, it’s just as important to promote your content as it is to create it in the first place!
Larry Kim, founder of WordStream, recommends paid social promotion: “I’ve found that paid social media advertising on Facebook and Twitter is more scalable and easier than doing link outreach by email or leveraging expensive PR firms.”

Repurposing can breathe new life into old content. As Oli Gardner, cofounder of Unbounce puts it, “reuse, reuse, reuse – turn content into an eBook, infographic, webinar, guest blog post on sites with similar followers, [use] Medium, SlideShare, podcast, speaking topic, etc.”  Christine White, co-marketing manager at Hubspot, echoes this sentiment, “repurpose your content because what may start out as an ‘ok’ eBook may end up doing better for lead-gen as a SlideShare, blog post, or webinar.”

Ultimately, listening to and learning from the experts is a great way to jump-start your marketing efforts. By employing the aforementioned tips to plan, research, write, promote, and repurpose your content, you’ll see the kind of attention that truly addictive content creates

Source: Xoombi.Com


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