Content Marketing Lessons for beginners

Ever since the age of digital marketing began, content marketing has become a signature outbound strategy. According to Content Marketing Institute's latest research, 88% of B2B and 76% of B2C marketers are doing content marketing.

According to Assignment Masters, a company providing essay writing services, as the strategy becomes more popular every year, more marketers are joining the trend. If you're a beginner at content marketing, here are 6 important lessons that can jumpstart your campaign's success.

1. What Content Marketing Is and Isn't

There are a lot of different ways to reach your audience on the internet, so some get confused about which strategy is which.
Content marketing essentially involves creating relevant content that offers value to your target market audience, which you then distribute and promote in order to encourage your audience towards a certain action (usually, making a purchase).
The marketing strategy developed as a response to the growing ineffectiveness of traditional marketing tactics, like TV ads, direct mailers, billboards, etc.
Content marketing is an inbound marketing strategy -- meaning that you're trying to draw people to you, as opposed to an outbound strategy, where you try to catch the attention of your audience with interruptive marketing tactics.
Content marketing is about answering people's questions and finding ways to solve their problems, which encourages them to become loyal customers.

2. Always Set Measurable Goals

Before you do anything else as a content marketer, you need to determine exactly what you want to get out of it.
Content marketing can be a valuable strategy for a wide variety of business goals, such as:
·         Increasing brand awareness
·         Generating leads
·         Reaching sales goals
·         Encouraging customer loyalty
You should identify some general goals you want to achieve with content marketing, but try to make them specific and measurable, so that you can analyze your success later on.
For example, if I want to increase brand awareness, I could set these goals:
·         Increase overall web traffic by 5% each month
·         Increase social media followers by 30% this quarter
·         Get 500 more email subscribers this year
Each of these goals are specific, indicate a desired amount and specify a time frame. Set goals like these, but remember that you can update and adjust them later on.

3. Develop Buyer Personas to Create Targeted Content

Content marketing is all about speaking to your target audience on a personal level. You want to be able to connect with their inner thoughts, feelings, and needs in a way that traditional advertising never can.
The best way to create this ultra-targeted content is by leveraging buyer personas.
Buyer personas are basically a snapshot of your ideal, target customer. For example, a B2B software developer might target mid-level business executives.
Depending on your brand and industry, you may want to develop primary and secondary buyer personals for different sub-groups within your audience.
Use these detailed personas to brainstorm content that resonates with them.
Consider these key areas when developing your buyer personas:
·         Age, sex, nationality
·         Education level
·         Employment experience
·         Income level
·         Personal life
·         Thoughts and emotions

4. Focus on Your Audience's Needs

One major pitfall that many content marketers fall into is focusing too much on their own business goals.
By only developing content that is ultra-geared towards driving sales, marketers overlook the real needs of their audience -- which is the whole point of content marketing.
The primary purpose of any piece of content should be answering your audience's questions and addressing their needs. Getting them to buy should be the secondary purpose.
Avoid overly-salesy content, and instead think of how your product or service can be presented as a solution to your audience's unique problems.

5. Don't Forget to Promote

Content marketing isn't just about developing targeted material. Half the job is about making sure you expose your content to the right people.
Even if your website has great SEO, the only way to be really competitive as a content marketer is by making efforts to promote your content.
Some basic promotion strategies include:
·         Building an audience on social media and distributing your content to them
·         Submitting your blog posts to content communities
·         Working with influencers to broaden your reach
·         Using paid promotion methods (especially on social media)

6. Analyze Your Efforts

Content marketing is far from a one-time tactic. You need to constantly be brainstorming, creating and distributing in order to remain on top of the game.
Some marketers are so caught up in the process that they forget to stop and evaluate the results of their efforts.
But if you don't analyze your strategy, there's no way to improve it to become more targeted.
And the more you can analyze and adjust, the more it will pay off. Hubspot's recent research found that inbound marketers who check their analytics three or more times per week had a greater ROI for their efforts than those who don't.
Make use of Google Analytics and any other data from your social media automation platform to make your content marketing strategy as targeted as possible. Think back to the goals you created in the beginning, and see how good your strategy is at achieving them.


Content marketing is a huge undertaking. Many marketers will tell you that there's a big learning curve before you can become really great at it.
That said, if you pay attention to these 6 important lessons, you'll be way ahead of everyone else who's just starting out with you



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