Here's a little piece of personal trivia for you -- my
husband is a screenwriter. So around our house there's no shortage of talk
about storytelling structure, and the bookcase is full of titles on the topic
like Joseph Campbell's classic The Hero with a Thousand Faces.
In short, I've heard a lot about the theory of how to spin a
great story. Which is why I found a recent blog post from psychologist and
author Susan Weinschenk so illuminating. In it, she delves not just into the
how of great storytelling but also the why -- why do these classic structures
affect us so profoundly? The answer, apparently, can be found in brain
The structure of a
great story
For those who don't often discuss characterization and story
world over dinner, Weinschenk's post kicks off with a great primer on
storytelling theory, explaining the basics of Campbell's thinking (famously
exemplified by the journey of Star Wars' Luke Skywalker), as well as the
roughly bell-shaped story diagram every writer learns in her first class on
structure. You start with exposition of the status quo, rise through dramatic
action to some climax, and then gently let the listener/reader/moviegoer down
to some kind of denouement.
It's as useful for business owners and marketers looking to
captivate customers as it is for novelists and movie pros. But where the post
really gets interesting is when Weinschenk explains what happens in the human
brain throughout this classic story structure.
This is your brain on storytelling.
Drawing on the work of neuroscientist Paul Zak, who took
blood samples from people as they listened to engrossing stories, she explains
that you can actually trace the progress of a tale through our brain chemistry.
"Zak found that
during the rising action people release cortisol, at the climax people release
oxytocin if they feel empathy with the main character, and if there's a happy
ending people release dopamine. Interest can be maintained by cycling through
these story pieces and keeping the brain chemistry going," writes
It's a fascinating testament to the primordial power of
great storytelling. If you're convinced that humans just can't resist a great
story and want to harness a little of this power for your business, there's no
shortage of practical advice out there. For example, here's a dead simple guide
to crafting compelling stories for those who don't have the natural gift of
spinning a yarn.
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