How to Successfully Launch Your Brand

A subject of interest in today’s world is branding and more importantly, what differentiates an outstanding brand from others.

When successfully launching a brand, it is imperative to define the brand.

Karl Speak, the global expert on branding, posits that “when most people think of a brand, they visualize a slogan, a logo, a campaign, a promise or a product. A brand is much more. A brand is “a powerful relationship fueled by a loyal belief system and knotted to the principle of providing exceptional value."

From the definition, a brand is not just a logo, a colour, a tagline, an advert, a product or a service, but rather the essence or promise of what will be delivered or experienced.

Before a brand is launched it must pass a brand strength “litmus test” which involves asking the following questions:

         Does my brand have a vital differentiator?

         Will my brand create loyalty and advocacy?

         Does my brand provide a platform for growth?

         Will my brand act as an influence of choice?

         Does my brand present a framework to integrate all the ways I want to be presented?

These five (5) critical questions will help in digging deeper into the brand and with the right answers, will place the brand in a better position before being launched.

Fundamentally, it is also imperative that before launching a brand, the H’s and W’s are answered, i.e., who or what you are, why you are launching, when you are launching as well as where, for whom and how you will launch your brand.

Who: This refers to knowing your identity and vision, knowing your environment and your competition, among other critical information relevant to your brand.

Why: Many questions must be answered with regards to the reason for the decision to launch a brand. It is imperative to identify the right reasons for decisions taken on a brand launch. According to Martin Lindstrom, a Danish author, a brand is more than a word. It is the beginning of a lifetime dialogue.

When: Brands often carefully analyze seasons and periods before deciding on when exactly to launch. Doing this is crucial because different elements could positively or adversely affect the launch so you want to make sure that you choose the right time.

Whom: defining one’s target audience is critical; this is referred to as Market Immersion. It involves going above and beyond to learn your desired customer inside and out. What are their problems and motivations? How do they relate these and where do they congregate? Never assume anything about your target customer or your pitch will seem unauthentic and miss its mark.

The target audience must be looked at from both internal and external perspectives.

It is crucial to get the buy-in of internal clients or staff. This is because they are expected to be the first brand ambassadors, hence it is most suicidal for misalignment on their part vis-a-vis the direction of the brand.

What your brand stands for and its selling points should be known from the least to the highest ranking member within the organization. They must be aware of these aspects and be passionate about your vision. If they can relay the passion to consumers then they will be invaluable to your brand’s future.

Where: defining the markets for the brand launch is also important since it enables you to be relevant. It is important to launch where you have something new to say or some more value to add. That is the reason for significant insight gathering, to know whether you would easily be accepted and what the likely challenges to the launch success will be.

How: create a lifestyle and image, have a master brand plan, be consistent in execution, execute the “wow factor.”

A major way to get underway and successfully attract attention and gain followership and endorsement is by making people feel like they are part of your brand’s mission. Even if your brand is one that might seem mundane to most, focus on the bigger picture of how your service or product can impact your consumers’ lives in positive ways. By creating a lifestyle around your brand, you can begin to build up what is known as a “social audience.”

After all the aforementioned preparatory activities are accomplished, the following strategies must be adhered to:

Brand Consistently
Decide on your logo and have it designed, decide on a relevant tagline and colours and not only stick with them, but make sure anything the customer comes in contact with includes them. Consumers need to see these multiple times before your brand sticks in their minds, so do not go changing things around before they have a chance to become brain tattoos in consumer minds.

Have a Meaningful USP
Your unique selling proposition (USP) should be just that–unique. It should solve a problem for your target customer in a way that other products do not. Hone your USP’s message into an elevator pitch and you will find your brand’s sweet spot for selling.

Brand Authentically
Basically, be honest with your audience from the start. Do not over-promise. What you say has to be the reality for the audience. If it is not, consumers will catch on and start bad-mouthing your company.

Execute the “Wow Factor”
If you are not pushing what differentiates your brand to those who need it most, then you are asking for irrelevance and apathy from stakeholders. What makes your product pop should be the driving force of your brand’s value to consumers.

Launch out differently in a way that will leave people talking endlessly about your brand. It becomes a springboard for a strong connection with your audience.

According to Max Edwards a brand expert, measuring brand success is vital for every serious brand; there are a number of steps to take to assess brand success which include talking to potential customers, assessing brand recognition, focusing on your brand’s identity, monitoring sales and response rates to your “branded” materials. Nevertheless, immediate returns are not always expected as brands take time to build and develop influence.

According to a Brand strategist, Scott Talgo, “a brand that captures your mind gains behaviour. A brand that captures your heart gains commitment.” 

Step out boldly and launch your brand, the world

awaits you.


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