Media, Heir to the throne?

In the kingdom of brands, content rules as king – it informs people so that they are aware and trust you well enough to do business with you. However, content on its own is a paralysed king because it cannot disseminate itself. It needs someone to run the household and who better to do it than marketing? But wait, this royal family is not complete yet. If content is king, and marketing is queen, who is heir to the throne? I will tell you…it is media.

What Media is
Before you go on to contest media’s right to the throne, you need to have very good reasons. Having an understanding of the role media plays in marketing will help you appreciate its claim to the throne. It is no secret that media is the means by which mass communication is collectively regarded. The focus is on mass – television, radio, newspaper and the internet. If you want to carry your messages out, these communication vehicles will certainly do that for you.
Take television for example combines both audio and visual communication, people can actually see live action of national and international events, be informed about new happenings, and have access to entertainment without going out at all. Radio as a vehicle of media, provides an inexpensive way of communicating to all demographics. When you want to get away from the all noise and motion, print media provides the perfect solitude for accessing information. As for the internet, I call it the “avatar” – a combination of all three in one.
With all these channels of communication, getting information to your subjects has been made easier and simple.

Staying relevant in a 21st Century World
We have all heard about the emergence of a new kind of media that poses as a threat to traditional media. On the contrary, the advent of the new media only shows that media has reinvented itself to stay relevant in our ever changing world. There are incredible things this new media can do, which break the limitations of traditional media. The new media gets information to any part of the world in a matter of seconds.

The Relevance of Social Media to Content
Social Media enables marketers to build a good content strategy. For instance, if you are putting information on Twitter, you know you have 140 characters to express yourself so you couch your message to fit the word limit. There are other tools that help you to monitor your content and that of others. Here are some for your consideration…
Followerwonk can assist you if you want to analyse your Twitter audience by age, location, and bio word clouds. This gives you an idea of who your audience are.
Unmetric is more like the spy; it helps you track your competitors’ social media content. It can also alert you if your interactive efforts are being thwarted. This gives you time to act in response or employ data from past events to plan upcoming activities.
Twtrland: You can use this tool to probe into the Twitter data of any profile to access information such as their most dominant tweets, highest followers, and basic demographics.

The Relevance of Social Media to Marketing
The reason why social media has become a thing of envy for other forms of media is probably what marketers are able to do with it. Do not get me wrong, traditional media has not been pushed to the side. It is still a very important tool for marketing, which when ignored, can land marketers into dangerous waters. However, social media has become a bigger platform now. Combining technology and social interaction at a lower cost? Tell me which marketer would pass up such a great deal?
The era of waiting for monthly statistics before you know what consumers think about your brand is over. Marketers can now interact with their customers and potential customers. With social media, you can get instant response as soon as somebody twitches. Marketers are able to provide quick feedback to queries, assist with any difficulties and give any info on a brand.

Now you have the full picture of why we now crown media as the heir apparent to the throne. Let us embrace it, support it with all our might with the immense benefits it brings to business. What are your thoughts?


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