How to build your personal brand on social media

These days, personal branding is all the rage. From fashion bloggers to YouTube entertainers, celebrities and more, creating a product and putting it out there can be one of the most fulfilling occupations. The good news is that you already have the product. It’s you! The process of turning your image into a brand involves how you present the set of values that define you, and in turn, your brand.

Identify values and stay authentic
There are many articles out there detailing the best way to embark on creating your personal brand. Here and here are good ones. What they have in common is knowing your brand’s values (which likely correlate with your own) and telling your brand’s narrative. Values are key because how can you make a social game plan if you don’t know what you’re going to tweet, blog or snap about? You have to know what you care about, what you prioritize and what you’re trying to do. Authenticity also plays a key role. Be yourself. Even if that means being different. Especially if that means being different.
Establish and grow your network
Expanding your network as a personal brand will be indispensable. After all, it is difficult to define your values and goals if you’re not aware of everything happening outside of the small bubble of your own brand. Following companies, schools, influencers and publications across all social channels with help with this. LinkedIn is a great resource for connecting with colleagues and companies that are as passionate about your industry as you are, and more likely to take interest in your product.

Post high-quality content
Even if this means you post or tweet less often you’re used to, taking the time to create content that reflects the values and narrative you set out from the beginning will bring greater rewards in the future. Think of every post not as another piece to fill in a fledgling Twitter or Facebook page, but an investment towards creating a thoughtful platform. That said, make sure all social accounts have your basic information on them. Anyone who comes to your page should not have to ask, who is this person? What do they stand for? How do I find out more? Those questions should already be answered. Social is a great place to make your brand’s story known, and to showcase the values that define you. Posting the highest quality work will result in better feedback from fellow industry experts and engage users. 

Credit: Zoe Gonzales ( 


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