How to drive more conversation from mobile searches

With mobile search becoming one of the primary ways that Internet users find new businesses, it’s very important for companies to focus on how they can drive more calls from mobile. With any business, the end goal is to convert the people viewing your page or searching for your industry into paying customers. Surveys and consumer feedback have shown that the thing most people look for during a mobile search is a phone number—if there is no phone number, they will quickly move on to another competitor.
However, by having a mobile strategy, you can greatly increase your customer conversion rate. There are proven strategies that can help you drive more calls from mobile.

Embrace Social Media Marketing
Over half of Internet use is through mobile, but an even greater percentage of social media use is done through smartphones and mobile devices. The vast majority of people on Facebook and Twitter are on their mobile devices, and this number is only expected to grow each year. Social advertising that uses “Calls-to-Action” (CTAs), so that customers can instantly click “Call Now” buttons and connect with your service, will be one of the main mobile marketing trends in the years ahead.

Optimize Your Web Page for Mobile
With mobile search, your business’s information should appear directly on Google during relevant searches. However, many Internet users will still move beyond search engines and go directly to your site. This is why it’s crucial to have CTAs directly on your web page, and to also optimize your landing page to drive more calls. Feature your phone number prominently and include web forms through which consumers can quickly sign up or contact your company.

Use Data and Analytics
With any mobile page, it’s important to use analytics and data to determine your conversion rate, as well as which elements lead to conversions. By using Google Analytics and other similar tools, you can determine how much time people are spending on your page, what causes them to leave the page, etc., but you can’t connect that data to individual callers. Now, however, you can use call-tracking tools to connect callers to their web use (such as the keywords they searched or how long they spent on your page), thus allowing you to get a whole new range of analytics and data to use.

Analyze Keywords
One of the other benefits of call tracking is that it can be used to see what keywords each individual caller searched that led them to your web page. By using call tracking, you can easily narrow down not only which of your keywords bring the most people to your web page, but also which ones are the most successful at actively converting people into paying customers.

Test Your CTAs
Layout, design, and content can have a big impact on your CTAs. Even something as simple as moving the placement of the “Call Now” button or changing the CTA’s wording could end up increasing or decreasing your number of conversions. This is why it is important to use A/B testing on your CTAs and analyze the impact they have on your conversion. Play around with layout, design, and the content of your web page to see what impact the changes have on the number of customers calling your business.



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